According to the ihdi any carrier or sling that restrains a baby s legs in an unhealthy position should be considered a potential risk.
Baby carriers and hip dysplasia.
When babies get bigger more developed and have stronger ligaments they will be less susceptible to developing hip dysplasia or dislocation.
Baby carriers can cause a baby to develop infant hip dysplasia if they do not hold the baby s hips in the correct position.
Slings that keep your baby s legs inside can also hinder healthy hip development.
4 although this is still controversial the international hip dysplasia institute supports the conclusion of the authors who stated if a carrying position of infants during early months of development can.
As stated earlier many cases of hip dysplasia are undiagnosed.
If a baby is diagnosed with even a mild case of hip dysplasia the international hip dysplasia institute recommends proper baby wearing that supports the baby s hips in a v form not using crotch danglers that may lead to further complications and degeneration of the hip.
A recent scientific report has provided additional information that back carrying may decrease the risk of hip dysplasia in malawi.
Baby carrier summary statement.
Babies are most at risk of developing hip dysplasia from baby carriers in the first few months of life.
Baby carriers may be used for short term purposes during transport or for occasional parental activities.
It is the opinion of the international hip dysplasia institute that periodic short term use of a baby carrier unlikely to have any effect on hip development.
Popular baby carriers including baby bjorn graco evenflo as well as well known baby carrier brands have been linked to hip dysplasia and other debilitating hip injuries in babies when the products are used for extended periods of time during the first six month of the baby s life.
One of them is baby carriers that inadvertently don t support babies correctly.
For example some carriers are narrow at the crotch and allow the baby s legs to hang down.